Liturgical Year C
Luke 6:39-45 - Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
By deepening our understanding of our faith, and living it in our daily lives, we are assured that we can become fruitful disciples of Christ.
Luke 6:27-38 - Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus presents us with a commandment that can only be described as radical: To love our enemies. His message marks the beginning of a new Covenant marked by a personal relationship with God.
Luke 6:17, 20-26 - Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s Gospel reveals the heart of Jesus’ message about Catholic morality. It has important implications for a responsible and respectful lifestyle.
Luke 5:1-11 - Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus teaching by Lake Gennesaret leads to a miraculous catch of fish, convincing Simon Peter of Jesus' divine power. Jesus then calls Simon to become a "fisher of people."
Luke 2:22-32 - The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
Jesus was presented in the temple, fulfilling the Law of Moses. Simeon, a devout man, recognized Jesus as the redeemer.
Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21 - The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
As we enter Ordinary Time, the Gospel of Luke emphasizes community and faith renewal. Jesus' teachings fulfill ancient promises, bringing liberation and redemption.
John 2:1-11 - The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
The wedding in Cana marks a key moment in Jesus' life, demonstrating His divinity and foreshadowing the impact of His ministry.
Luke 3:15-16, 21-22 - The Baptism of the Lord
Jesus' baptism is the start of His ministry, leading a new Exodus through the waters of the Jordan for continuous renewal of spirit.
Matthew 2:1-12 - The Epiphany of the Lord
The Magi's journey reveals that Jesus' salvation is for all humanity, transcending borders. Their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh symbolize Christ's kingship, death, and salvation.
Luke 2:41-52 - The Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Jesus is found discussing Scripture in the temple at age 12, revealing His Divinity and faithfulness. His extraordinary wisdom, faith, and obedience is demonstrated, marking a pivotal moment in His life and illustrating His preparation for His earthly ministry.
Luke 1:39-45 - The Fourth Sunday of Advent
Through Jesus' death and resurrection, he opened a path to our reconciliation with God. When we give our lives to God, we can be at peace.
Luke 3:10-18 - The Third Sunday of Advent
The crowd asks John what they should do to lead a virtuous life. He provides concrete and practical answers to live peacefully and harmoniously, and points to the imminent arrival of the Messiah.
Luke 3:1-6 - The Second Sunday of Advent in Year C
John the Baptist calls for repentance, preparing hearts for the coming of God's Kingdom. His message calls all to embrace transformation, making way for Christ's eternal reign.
Luke 21:25-28, 34-36 - The First Sunday of Advent
Jesus calls us to stay vigilant and faithful amid life’s turmoil, warning against distractions. His return promises redemption, bringing ultimate victory over sin and suffering.
Luke 15:1-32
Luke 14:25-33
Luke 14.1:7-14
Luke 13:22-30
Luke 12:49-53
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