Prayers and Worship
Find a wealth of Christian prayers to strengthen your faith, including the Rosary, Mass, the Lord's Prayer and Spiritual Communion. Discover resources from the Catholic community and learn more about the Faith.
The Rosary comprises a series of repeated prayers, called Mysteries, that meditate on key events in the life of Jesus. With every bead of the Rosary, believers reflect on the profound moments of their faith and seek a deeper connection with the divine.
The Notre-Dame de Lourdes Sanctuary in France provides daily rosary recordings from the sanctuary's grotto. The sanctuary invites you to follow along the video recording with your own prayers at home.
Joyful Mysteries – Monday & Saturday
Sorrowful Mysteries – Tuesday & Friday
Luminous Mysteries – Thursday
Glorious Mysteries – Wednesday & Sunday
Holy Mass
The celebration of Mass is the central act of worship in the Catholic Church. It is a sacred ritual that celebrates the Eucharist. The Mass commemorates the Last Supper, where bread and wine are consecrated and become the body and blood of Christ. The Mass is divided into two main parts: the Liturgy of the Word, featuring readings of Bible passages and the homily, and the Liturgy of the Eucharist, where the Eucharistic Prayer is recited and communion is received. This profound ceremony connects Catholics worldwide, uniting them in faith and devotion. The Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario provides daily recordings of the Mass.
Sacrament of Spiritual Communion
Spiritual communion is a deeply personal prayer for those who cannot receive the Eucharist physically. This declaration of faith fosters a profound connection with Jesus even for those who cannot partake in the reception of the Blessed Sacrament. It expresses our desire to unite with Christ, and welcomes His presence into one's heart and soul.
Daily Bible Readings
Daily Bible readings from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
The Lord's Prayer
The Lord's Prayer, commonly known as the Our Father, is a simple yet profound way to connect with God. It is a fundamental Christian prayer that Jesus taught his disciples. It affirms the key elements of faith and devotion to God, asking for His will to be done, relying on the provision of daily sustenance, asking for the forgiveness of sins, and protection from evil.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.
Sacred Space
Visit Sacred Space for daily meditation on the Sacred Scriptures, led by the Irish Jesuits, according to Ignatian spirituality.
Vatican News
The official news platform of the Vatican, providing up-to-date information about the Catholic Church, the Pope, and global religious matters. It offers news, articles, and multimedia content in multiple languages, covering topics such as Church events, Vatican activities, papal messages, interfaith dialogues, and world affairs from a Catholic perspective. The website also features live broadcasts of key Vatican events, such as papal masses, audiences, and speeches, alongside analysis of the Church's role in contemporary issues.
Peter's Pence
Peter's Pence is a voluntary annual collection taken by the Catholic Church to support the pope's charitable works and the administrative needs of the Vatican. Historically, it was a way for Catholics to contribute financially to the pope's mission and help those in need. The funds raised are often used for humanitarian efforts, emergency relief, and supporting the Church's global initiatives. The collection has been a tradition for many centuries, symbolizing solidarity with the pope and the wider Church community.
Catholic Icons
Catholic icons serve as visual representations of the faith, depicting Jesus, Mary, the Saints, and Biblical scenes to aid in prayer and meditation. They are venerated as reminders of God’s presence and the spiritual heritage of the Church, and serve to depict the fruit of the action of the Holy Spirit.
Suzanne Massie Manchevsky is a Canadian iconographer and artist, living in Eastern Ontario since 1995.
Icons by Suzanne Massie Manchevsky
Home Prayer Corner
Anyone can create a Catholic prayer corner at home. It is a dedicated, aesthetically pleasing space that serves as a visual reminder of our spiritual journey, providing a serene environment for prayer and meditation. The engaging process of designing a prayer space requires the careful selection of elements that evoke reverence and beauty to foster a deeper connection with God.
More About the Faith
What does it truly mean to be Catholic? Who leads the Catholic Church? And how does one begin the journey of initiation into the Catholic faith? The article below will help you get started in your search for the Truth.