
Mark 1:29-39

Gospel according to Mark 1:29-39

As soon as Jesus and his disciples left the synagogue, the entered the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. Now Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they told Jesus about her at once. He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up. Then, the fever left her, and she began to serve them. That evening, at sunset, they brought to Jesus all who were sick or possessed with demons. And the whole city was gathered around the door. And he cured many who were sick with various diseases and cast out many demons; and he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him. In the morning, while it was very dark, Jesus got up and went out to a deserted place, and there he prayed. And Simon and his companions hunted for him. When they found him, they said to him, “Everyone is searching for you.” He answered, “Let us go to the neighboring towns, so that I may proclaim the message there also; for that is what I came out to do.” And Jesus went throughout Galilee, proclaiming the message in their synagogues and casting out demons.


Jesus’ ministry began with full momentum. After teaching in the synagogue and healing a man who had been tormented, Jesus went to meet Peter and Andrew’s family. Their house was not far from the synagogue, and Jesus was hoping to gather with the disciples, have something to eat, and rest before continuing his mission. The discipled were probably overjoyed that Jesus would come to visit their home and get to know the rest of their family.

As soon as they entered the house, one can imagine a messenger, or one of the children, ran to Peter and told him that his mother-in-law was sick with a fever and unable to get up. She was not even able to assist with the preparations of the meal to welcome Jesus, as would have been customary when guests were expected.

Jesus right away prioritized seeing Peter’s mother-in-law. The disciples followed close behind, looking to see what Jesus will do. Will he perform another miracle? This is exactly what happened. As Jesus helped the elderly lady to get up from the bed by holding on to her arm, the fever left her, and she was well. To the great joy of everyone, she was just as if nothing ever happened to her. She returned to the kitchen to prepare food for the guests.

The entire household would have been amazed by the presence of Jesus, who, this time, healed someone from a physical disease. Word of mouth spread rapidly through the neighborhood, so that, by the time Jesus and the disciples finished their supper, people were pressing in the door, and lining up in front of the house to see Jesus. More and more people arrived, until all those who wanted to be cured in Capernaum came to Peter’s house wanting to see Jesus.

Jesus healed all those who came to him and who believed that he could cure them. He refused no one. That entire evening, probably late into the night, he received people, and all who came hoping, left praising God and telling others about their miraculous healing.

There was not too much time to sleep, as early in the dawn, before sunrise, Jesus went out of the house to look for a quiet place. Away from the town, away from the noise, away from the crowds, and the business, he wanted to be totally alone with His Father, and talk to him about healing and his ministry.

From this prayer, Jesus, received strength and confirmation that he should continue to go through Galilee preaching that the “Kingdom of God” was near. Grace has come to the people of Capernaum, and it was manifested in the miraculous healings for those who were ill and approached Jesus believing that He could heal them.

How was Jesus able to perform the miracles? It was through the power of God the Father that healing occurred. In other words, the sign of the Kingdom of God in which there is mercy, forgiveness, compassion, and healing, could be seen directly through Jesus’s intercession. The source of healing was the power of God. This other-worldly power that could heal human beings from their physical and mental ailments was manifested during Jesus’ ministry on earth, to show that God’s power is greater than the power of any ailment or torment.

Is it possible to ask for healing today? When our souls are stirred up, when there is no source of remedy, when all what is known has been exhausted, the hope is still in faith. The healing power of God knows no bounds and no measure. We can be sure that if we ask for it sincerely, he will restore our souls. He will do it in the privacy of our prayers, while being alone with Him. The burden of physical illness and mental illness are easier to carry knowing that our soul clings to God and He will give us strength.

Miraculous healings are not as common nowadays as they used to be when Jesus was on Earth. Why? The reason is hidden in the wisdom of God the Father and his ultimate will. What is for sure, however, is that if His will is that if unavoidable suffering is to be endured, then He will use that suffering for a higher good. Also, he will not forsake those who call on His name and He will abide with them.

Our most powerful connection with the Father is through our spirit in prayer and holding each other in prayer. Prayer is a spiritual fountain of grace through which the healing presence of God in our everyday lives can be experienced and evidenced.

Despite suffering, and especially in the depth of it, God is near to lift us to the heights. His presence warms the heart, refreshes the mind, and renews strength to persevere. Through prayer, we can let our spirit touch the dimension from which God reaches out to us and embraces us, imbuing us with consolation, and life affirming spiritual strength.

When God is with us, who or what can be against? The miraculous healings foreshadow the healing that awaits us when we trust in a power greater than ourselves.