Matthew 14:13-21
Gospel according to Matthew 14:13-21
When Jesus had heard it, he withdrew from there by boat, to a deserted place by himself. And when the crowds had heard of it, they followed him on foot from the cities. And going out, he saw a great multitude, and he took pity on them, and he cured their sick. And when evening had arrived, his disciples approached him, saying: “This is a deserted place, and the hour has now passed. Dismiss the crowds, so that, by going into the towns, they may buy food for themselves.” But Jesus said to them: “They have no need to go. Give them something to eat yourselves.” They answered him, “We have nothing here, except five loaves and two fish.” He said to them, “Bring them here to me.” And when he had ordered the multitude to sit down upon the grass, he took the five loaves and the two fish, and gazing up to heaven, he blessed and broke and gave the bread to the disciples, and then the disciples to the multitudes. And they all ate and were satisfied. And they took up the remnants: twelve baskets full of fragments. Now the number of those who ate was five thousand men, besides women and children.
In todays Gospel, we learn about one of Jesus’ miracles. This miracle is known as the “miracle of the five loaves and the two fish.” Jesus takes the five loaves and the two fish and multiplies it a hundred and and a thousand times to feed the multitude who gathered to listen to his word. According to some illustrations, the loaves and the fish are handed to him by a little boy who carrys them in a basket for his own mea. Jesus accepts these resources from the boy, who is sometimes thaught to be Peter’s son, and uses it to ease the hunger of thousands of people. Through his actions Jesus manifests that he is the Son of God, the Messiah who is concerned about the welfaire of the people and he does everything to help them and to heal them even if that takes a miracle. We can ponder how amazed the disciples must have been to collect baskets full of left-overs. The miracle also illustrates that God can use everyday resources to make miracles happen. Like the deciples, he invites us to offer him what we have so that he can transform it in to a divine gift and an abundance for all to enjoy. Where do we see this plenty around us? How can we notice it and express our gratitude? The miracle also forshadows that Jesus will give his body in the Eucharist. This is Bread from Heaven that nurtures our souls. How wonderful it is to draw ner Jesus and to get ready to receive this gift!